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In this day and age, speed and instant gratification has become the norm of the day. People easily forget the profound truth in the quote "slow and steady wins the race."

The idea of slow consistent progress in our modern fast-paced world can be counter intuitive where quick fixes and sudden success is more glorified than steady growth yet we can't deny the great stories of successful people who experienced slow but steady and consistent growth in life.

In our daily pursuit of success, the power of slow progress is highly underestimated as people tend to seek overnight success without wanting to go through the journey of what it actually takes to be successful in various fields or crafts.

Success is not always about greatness, being in the spot light or competing and beating everyone else but more about being consistent and good at what we do as well as encourage and help others in meaningful ways as possible. Consistency does not just lead to success but to greatness as well.

Rare great progress feels good but not as valuable as consistent progress. With consistent progress you build trust, character, reliability, replication of positive character, focus on incremental progress, forgiveness of failures and expertise.

With consistency we also build patience, perseverance, grit, tolerance and gain more insight and wisdom

Even in our relationships - of any kind-  consistency is what sustains these relationships and not rare great moments that tend to seek instant gratification - of any kind.

While we glorify and applaud success or winners, let's not forget to imbibe the ethics that makes one truly successful especially in our young generation. The young generation is mostly told to be great and be competitive beating everyone else at any game without being thought the rudiments of success.

According to Bruce Kasanof  "Let's be more concerned with progress than pride, work ethic than ego, getting excited with what we have achieved and share it with others." This he believes will make a difference in the lives of people than the quick fixes we seek

Having rare great moments can feel exciting and purposeful but trust me, it can also leave one over-exerted and stagnated. For instance, pushing yourself too hard to achieve a set goal like losing a weight through workouts can lead to certain illnesses and stalled progress compared to small consistent progress pacing yourself without exerting yourself or worn out too quickly.

In trying to achieve my set goals daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, I have come to realize that starting slow and building a sturdy foundation is more beneficial in the long run. The journey might be slow or take longer, but the progress and development will always be more sustainable, enriching and satisfying.  

Quote for the day - "I'd rather be slow, consistent and remain in craft than be fast and fade out quickly." Rhoda I.  Amakabao

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