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We live in a fast paced world where everyone is busy with responsibilities and obligations that are either self-imposed or placed on us by others. Other times, we are distracted by side attractions such as social media platforms, parties, hanging out with friends, TV programs and so on that prevent us from pursuing our goals, dreams and visions in life. 

In our busy schedules, we tend to forget that life is fleeing away fast hence the need to make the most of our time here on earth living a life of maximum impact. 

Let me even ask. How many of us if told like it was said to Hezekiah that we would die soon or that we have a year or two left to live, what would we do or what would we like to be remembered for?

Hezekiah was one of the greatest Kings that Judah had. In Fact it was described of him in 2 kings 18:5 as a king who trusted God more than any other king before and after him but despite that, he was given a time frame in 2 kings 20:1 to put his house in order before he leaves the earth. This clearly shows that we all have limited time on earth whether we are good or bad.

Irrespective of how much we pray for long life, some people have short life span and others have long lifespan. None of us know exactly when we would live this earth. 

We have heard of great men of God who died sooner than expected like Myles Munroe yet he lived a life of great impact. What is expected of us - however short or long the lifespan we have -  is to make the most of our time here on earth. 

I was privileged by God's grace to have written my first book titled 'The Beauty and Power of a Purposeful Life.' with the intention to help people find and live their God-ordained purpose irrespective of the prevailing circumstance or challenges that come their way.

Chapter 10 of the book is titled 'Making the most of your time'. Psalm 90:10 of the NIV version  says "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Everyone of us have been given 24 hours in a day. No one is given more or less. The difference is how we make use of the 24 hours given to us by God and living a life of purpose is the best use of our time here on earth.

As earlier stated, none of us know the exact time we would leave the earth, but while we are still here, we can make the most of our time living a life of purpose.

God is not interested in  how long we live but how well we live our lives. Myles Munroe of blessed memory said "Life is not measured by its duration but by it's donation." Meaning it is not how long we live but by the level of impact we make in the lives of people and the significant contributions we make to the society.

In the court of law, the phrase "Time is of the essence." is used to specify or clarify the time period in which one party is obligated to complete a contract with the other party. So it is with your time on earth. Your time on earth whether short or long is a time obligated by the contract between you and God to live a life of purpose on earth -  the purpose God has assigned you to live.

Let's not be like Methuselah of whom it was said lived the longest on earth - 960 years - yet no record of impacts made -  Like Pastor John Dickson - a friend of mine - said after reading the book, all Methuselah was doing was begetting and begatting unlike other great men in the Bible who made impacts such as Moses, Abraham, Josuha, Gideon, the apostles in the new testament and of course Jesus who lived only 33 years here on earth yet mankind feels his impact from generation to generation.

The Beauty and Power of a Purposeful Life is available on Amazon and on selar . You can also leave your comments below on any other way you wish to get the book and learn more on how to make the most of our time here on earth living a purposeful and fulfilled life.

Quote for the day - Life without purpose is time without meaning - Myles Munroe 

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