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The economy as it is is biting hard on everyone. People have less money for more needs. Challenges cropping up from every corner not to talk of the negativities all around us from all media platforms - social media to broadcast media. 

People are discouraged everyday on how to move on with life or how to keep up with the continuous  inflation currently going on in the economy.

In such moments, - even when we are not left out from the brunt of the economy - we can choose to be light bringers in a world filled with so much discouragement.

We can be the light to brighten the lives of others who seem to be in dark situations with no hope in sight. We can be transplanters of courage  to help people see that all is not lost and that there is hope as long as  there is life.

We can be the light to make them see that this too shall pass and that they will come out of every dark situation into a bright life. 

This is what God has called us to be when he said "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill can not be hidden." - Matthew 5:14

The message translation puts it this way "You're here to be the light, bringing out God's colours to the world."

Being the light does not necessarily mean you have a perfect life. It means even in your own down time, you can still step up to shine your light to to brighten the life of another. This is what we have been called to do.


1. PEACE TO STORMS : You can always bring calm and in a heated argument or situation. I was once in a taxi where the passengers kept on arguing and were discouraged about the happenings in the polity of Nigeria and how it would have been difficult for a particular candidate to salvage Nigeria if he had become the president.

I simply made a comment that there is nothing impossible to achieve if he sets his heart to it. It may take a while but can be done. Besides, if we all prayed for him and support him, he would be able to achieve it. All of a sudden, there was a calm and they all agreed to it.

You can be the one to bring peace between two people who are not in good terms or about to fight or quarrel rather than hitting it up takings sides or just stand by taking pictures.

2. WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT : Words of encouragement have a very positive way brightening the life of a person. Our words of encouragement can give someone hope and a reason to keep pressing on despite the challenges.

Sometimes the people around simply need some support through ours words to feel and do better. Irrespective of the hard times and challenges people are going through, they need to be reminded that they are valued. They need to know that they are worth more than any challenge and can overcome the difficult times. 

3. MEETING NEEDS : Every day we come across people who are in need of one thing or the other. Meeting just one need of a person can go a long way to brighten the life of that person. The needs of people come in different forms - financially, materially, time and the likes. 

Needs could also be helping a person out with something like helping the elderly with a load, opening the door for someone who finds it difficult to etc.

Needs do not need to be huge before we can be of help becoming the light in the life of a person. Little acts of kindness go a long way to brighten the life of a person.

4. PRAYERS : Praying for people in bad situations usually sends positive vibrations into their lives. Let's learn to pray for others and not for ourselves always. When we do this, even without them knowing, we become the light in the lives of those facing one challenge or the other.

In times where people are struggling to keep up with the challenges of life, one of the above mentioned ways  are ways we could help people regain their glow and brighten their own light as well so they too can help lift others. 

If we all begin to shine our lights from the little corners we find ourselves through the lives of those around us or that we come across, then we can together shine our lights to make the world a better place. 

Quote for the day - "You may think your light is small, but it can make a huge difference in the lives of others."

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