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Too many people do not like who they are. They are constantly thinking and relieving their past mistakes and failures.

Constantly focusing on their faults and weaknesses, competing and comparing themselves with who seems to have more in areas where they feel inadequate.

Constantly thinking and wishing they were taller, more beautiful, had more money, more talented, smarter and had a better personality.

In life, there will always be people who would seem to have it all - more talented, more gifted, more successful, the smartest, the most well dressed, more beautiful and all. 

Given all these, there will always be a tendency to want to compete and compare oneself to another due to feelings of inadequacies, not measuring up or being at par with your contemporaries.

With all the glamours, beautiful selfies and seemingly perfect lives on social media, it would seem hard to not want to compete and compare yourself with others. 

We are also in a digital age where photographers and certain smartphones bring out the perfect picture of a person with every flaw hidden. 

But like they say "Not all that glitters is gold." There is no perfect person. Just a person who loves him/herself for who he/she is.

There is no person who has it all just a person who appreciates what he/she has and is grateful to God for where he/ she is at the moment.

We all have areas in life we need to work on, improve on and grow on. No one has arrived yet as we are all a constant work in progress.

Your flaws, your insecurities, feelings of inadequacies and all the seemingly imperfections do not define you but your strengths do. 

You have to accept who you are including your flaws and imperfections because they are part of what makes you unique and beautiful.. You need to see yourself as a masterpiece, made by God and in his image.

You can't be true to others if you are not sincere with yourself. You can't claim to love another person when you can't love yourself enough and appreciate who you are.

When Jesus said in Matthew 22:39 that you should "Love your neighbour as you love yourself." He knew there is no way you can rightly love another person without first loving yourself.

Loving yourself entails accepting who you are, contented with what you have and grateful for where you are at the moment.

The most important relationship you can ever have is the relationship with yourself. You have to be kind, be good, be merciful, be forgiving and be loving to you. 

When you are able to to accept and love who you are, the likelihood to compete and compare yourself with others would be less or never exist but rather you will see others you feel are doing better than you as a source of inspiration and motivation to grow in your own gifts and talents. 

Being comfortable with who you are is not about what you look like but accepting and loving who you are both the favourables and the unfavourables. 

When you love who you are, content with what you have and grateful for where you are, you become perfect in your imperfections and your true beauty would radiate from the inside of you reflecting on the outside.

The better you feel about yourself, the better you would do, the more you like yourself , the further you would go in life. 

But the more you compare or try to compete with others the more inadequate and uncomfortable you would feel about who you are, what you have and where you 

Competing and comparing yourself with others also limits you on the things you can do with the gifts, talents, capabilities and abilities God has given to you.

Not being comfortable with who you are, what you have and where you are at the moment means you are constantly comparing yourself with others.

No doubt, there should be room for growth and improvement in every area of your life but not at the expense of the gifts given to you by God.

We have all been blessed with different kinds of gifts by God, He has placed us at different places at this point in our lives for specific purposes and has given us certain things at our disposals for different reasons and we are all here on earth for different assignments.

You may not be where you want to be but you are not where you use to be. Instead of looking at how far you have to go, see how far you have come

Keep thanking  God for how far He is has brought you as He is still working on you to take you from glory to glory. 

It takes a mature person to to be grateful to God for where they are at the moment while they are on their way to greatness.

You are equipped for your race. You have the right gifts, the right personality, the right looks and from the right personality. Be confident with who you are and your gifts. Be you and nobody can do you like you can do you. 

Stop fighting who you are and wishing you are like someone else. Grow with your gifts and see yourself shine like the star that you are.

You have enough enemies in life to be against yourself. You should be your biggest fan and your first source of encouragement. I always tell people that I am first my own motivation before anyone else.

Compliment yourself for every good thing you do and celebrate your little wins. Be grateful to God always for what you have and where you are. This will inspire and motivate you to find strength in your weaknesses. 

To be continued next week.

Quote For The Day "Let your only competition be between your past, present and future self." - Rhoda Amapakabo

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