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Success it is said takes time. Might take days, weeks, months, a year or even years to achieve. The longer it it takes in one's eyes, the more it would seem difficult yet not impossible to achieve. 

It is commonly said that "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step." So it is with our dreams, goals or targets set for the year or for a longer period.

The realization of our dreams begins with winning each day as the day comes. We must be intentional, disciplined, motivated and determined to achieve success with our daily activities. 

Irrespective of how the day may seem stressful or difficult, we can always win each day towards the realization of our goals.

No matter how big our dreams may be, it takes perseverance, hard work, practice, discipline and determination each day to keep moving forward towards the realization of that big dream.

Our achieved goals or dreams are the accumulation and summation of our everyday activity. It is in the actions we take every single day.

To achieve a bigger goal at the end of the year or towards the end of the year, we must have daily activities or daily actions to take and ensure we succeed at our daily goals. 

That's what winning the day is all about and this will in turn result into the success of a big goal.

But how do we go about winning the day? Below are few steps to take to win each day.

HAVE A MORNING ROUTINE : How we start our day really matters a lot. It sets the tone for the success of the day.

Become an early bird to start the day early. My wake up time is usually 4 am to ensure I finish up my morning routine before getting into the day. 

My morning routine includes prayer, reading, working out and and listening to some good songs especially gospel songs before I set out.

You can create yours so you have a sound and healthy mind set for the day. Reading, working out, praying and meditating at the start of the day keeps and gives you a positive mind as well as keeps you hopeful and optimistic.

HAVE A PLAN : You have a dream or a goal to achieve before the year runs out? Then you need to have a plan on how you want to achieve the set goal(s).

Have a realistic goal and set up a plan for it. Planning here simply means breaking the big goal into smaller chunks. Something you can do every day.

These smaller chunks become what you do everyday to reach the bigger goal. If for instance, your goal is to read a certain number of books at the end of the year, you would have to have a plan of reading a chapter or two of a book each day.

If your goal is to have a certain amount of money at the end of the year, the goal would be to save a  certain amount of money every day or every month to get to the larger amount at the end of the year.

HAVE A DAILY ROUTINE : Now you have planned, it's time to take action or execute our plans. It is one thing to have a plan and another to execute it.

While it is very easy to have a plan, executing it might seem difficult but not impossible to do. This can be achieved when we create a daily routine for ourselves with the plans we have made.

Daily routine simply means the tasks we do everyday. We all have simple chores or activities we do every day.

What we need is to incorporate the plan created for our goals into our daily activities and make it a daily routine until they become a part of us and part of what we do everyday.

Incorporating you plans into your daily activities is more like having your day planned out with the task set for that day and ensuring you succeed at your daily tasks. This makes you win the day.

STAY CONSISTENT : Consistency they say is key. To succeed at what we do, we must be consistent with how we do what we do. 

Stay true and consistent with the plans incorporated in your daily routine. It is commonly said that "the secret to our success is in our daily routine." What we do everyday is what leads to our success.

If we stay consistent in what we do, as in keep doing or having our plans executed every day, it becomes a part of us automatically to pursue our daily gaily goals 

ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS : Try as much as you can to eliminate distractions to the barest minimum in order to enhance your focus and concentration in achieving the goal(s) set for the day.

Ways to eliminate distractions include muting notifications from your social media handles, not checking your phone every few mins or keeping  your phone away from you.

Another major way to eliminate distractions is owning your time. Let no one dictate for you how you use or spend your time.

Set boundaries with friends, colleagues and family members when it comes to working on your goals. Let them know how you spend your day and time. 

Let them know when you are available and when you are not. You don't have to be available 24/7 for every Tom, Dick and Harry or be on every social media platform at every time. You need to create time to pursue your dreams and goals.

Own your time and make use of your time wisely. They say "Time waits for no man." You don't have all the time to waste on trivial things or matters. Make your day count by making use of your time wisely.

HAVE AN EVENING OR NIGHTLY ROUTINE : This is where you have a review of your daily activities to see what you succeeded at and what you did not or do not do well to have a better plan the next day and re-strategize.

What we do every day is a measure of our daily success and an indicator of how close we are towards the realization of the bigger goal at the end of the year.

At the end of the day, be grateful to God for what was achieved during the day. Each day I get home, I look at what was done for the day and become thankful and grateful to God for what was achieved during the day.

Looking at what I was able to do during the day, gives me a sense of fulfilment seeing my day was fruitful. Even simple chores done makes me happy and grateful to God.

When we have a review of what we did during the day and develop a heart of gratitude towards God for the success of the day, we become encouraged and optimistic to move on the next day and keep going forward.

Your night routine should also include include prayers before going to bed and probably reading a book as well. 

My night routine include gratitude to God for the success of the day, an 8-10 mins evening workout, have dinner, read a chapter or two of a book, bedtime prayers and off to bed by 10pm.

You can create yours but ensure you have a particular bedtime and wake up up time. When you do all these consistently, the brain recognizes when to sleep and when to wake up.

My wake up time is usually 4 am. My body and brain has adjusted to this particular time and need no alarm to be up by 4am. There are days I even wake up few minutes to 4am.

What we do consistently on daily basis, automatically becomes part of us and our bodies recognize and adjust to these daily activities.

All these might seem much, but winning each day that comes is what results into the big wins we experience at the end of the year or for a longer period. 

Each day we win gives us the motivation to continue and creates room for us to do better the next day. We become better than we were the previous day. 

Keep doing what you do over and over again everyday. Don't feel discouraged or demotivated when it feels like nothing is happening. Something is always happening as we win each day.

Acknowledge every effort you put in everyday and very soon, you will reap the fruit of your hard work, resilience and patience. Good things are about to happen for you and me. 

Quote for the day - "Whatever habit you are building, problem you are solving, or goal you are going after, it always happens one day at a time. Win the day." Driven Leadership Inc.

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