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"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." (Romans 11:29)

Have you ever doubted or had fears concerning the gifts of God or His calling for your life? I have several times and still do sometimes.

There have been times I believe so many of us doubted the dream, the talent, the gifts, ideas or purpose God has called us to live. 

At one point in time or another, we have expressed fears doubting if its possible.

It is either the dream seems so big that you can't fathom the possibility of it coming to fruition or live by or that you failed and fell so many times, committed so many blunders and mistakes that make you think your dream is unrealistic and unachievable.

Other times, what prevents us from living this big dream and purpose God has called us to live is the fear of mockery, criticism or what people may think and say of us.

For some people, it is the lack of patience to see their dreams grow to what they envisioned it to be. They are too in a hurry to hit the fame and make the money.

There are those who also find it difficult to serve where God has placed them at the moment for their training and lifting but want to hit the stage big time.

You may have faced rejections from people, churches, organizations etc and at such, discouraged to move on with God's calling on your life.

You may run from it or try to hide from it as much as you want to probably due to the stated reasons above or simply ignoring but God's gifts and calling for your life is irrevocable.

It doesn't matter what people may say or think of you, what mistakes you've made, the failures experienced or the place you are at the moment, God's call for your life is irrevocable.

God never changes His mind on a thing. His callings are always on full warranty. You may have messed up but He always gives us the opportunity to do it one more time. One more time to live the purpose of which He has called us to live.

The gift and callings of God upon your life will always be there waiting to be made manifest in you and through you.

Irrespective of your experience or fears, God takes us through a learning process in all these to effectively live the purposeful life He has called us to live.

We have to learn certain things to move from one level of our calling to another and to develop strong bones in times of adversities while living our dreams.

In living our dreams, there are certain tests God would put us through to prove us in that purpose before He promotes us.

How you react or respond to these challenges will determine how far you go in your calling. Your attitude will definitely determine your altitude in life.

For us to grow, we have to be patient, faithful and obedient wherever we may find ourselves at the moment or where God has placed us for the time being irrespective of the circumstance.


1. KNOW THAT YOU ARE GIFTED :  Recognize and see yourself as someone gifted and called by God.

God has called and gifted everyone in various capacities to function in life making the world a better place. We are not all called to do the same thing - 1 Corinthian 7:7.

Most often than not, so many people think that being gifted or called by God has to do with you standing on the alter or stage. This is not always the case for everyone.

We all have our unique gifts expressed in diverse ways to God's glory. This is what makes the world go round beautifully well.

2. EMBRACE YOUR GIFTS AND CALLING : Now you know you are gifted from and by God and have a purpose to live, the next thing is embracing this calling and start using it to God's glory in your own little hemisphere.

You must not hit the big stage or be recognized globally before you start exercising your God-given gifts and talents. Its a gradual process and must be taken step by step.

3. STIR UP YOUR GIFTS : 2 Timothy 1:6 admonishes we stir up the gifts given to us by God. What this simply means is the kindling of our gifts or fanning them to never grow cold. 

It doesn't matter how many times you fail, fall or the mistakes made. It doesn't matter what people say or think of you, keep exercising your gifts. At the end, it shall speak.

The Bible says "For God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and self discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

God is not looking for a perfect person to use, neither does he pick the qualified but qualifies the unqualified. 

You are better off doing it afraid than doing nothing at all. In doing it afraid you learn vital lessons.

We are to ensure these gifts do not grow cold by disusing them but to keep the fire burning 

4. USE YOUR GIFTS AND CALLING WISELY : So many people stopped living their calling because they used it inappropriately. 

There are those who use their gifts to manipulate others, lie to people, cheat and steal from people.

Some have used their gifts mainly for a side show just to make money, fame and other personal and selfish gains without reverence to God. 

Every gift and calling in our lives is first for the glory of God and for the lifting of people. 

If your dream, calling or purpose in life is not for God's glory and not people oriented, then it is questioning.

Use every calling of God in your life wisely to God's glory and to lift souls. This is what we are called to do through our gifts and every other thing will be added or given to us - Mathew 6:35

5. NEVER LIMIT YOUR CALLING OR GIFT : So many people have limited their calling or purpose in life to their physical strength, mistakes, failures, present or unfavorable circumstances, environment, the opinions of people, validation from people and other experiences.

It doesn't matter what you may be going through, the unfavorable circumstance you find yourself or what people say and think of you, God's calling on your life can not be limited by and to all these.

He who has called you to live such a life has also empowered you to be able to live it. 

The negative experiences are their to strengthen you for the greater work ahead and for a greater glory. They are not to define you but to refine you.

We go through certain things to develop our physical and spiritual muscles, develop and nurture our gifts and most of all to be trained. It is all part of the plan

We must all go through this test. But how we react to these negative experiences will determine how high we fly in God's glory.

6. BE COMMITTED TO YOUR CALLING : God's gift and calling upon your life does not happen automatically. 

It is nurtured, developed and grown over time. It requires your commitment to get to full maturity. 

To be committed, requires a conscious desire to want to and decide to live a purposeful life and to fulfill purpose.

Difficult circumstances or negative experiences might want to cause you to stray from your purpose and trust me I've been there but you have to be resolute to stay committed.

People might want to make you stray through rejections, betrayals, criticisms or mockeries but if God be for you, who can be against you? - Romans 8:31.

If men have not mocked or criticized you for what you do then you have not started. While men are mocking you, God is making you.

When all these happen, know that all things work together for your good - Romans 8:28-30.

Philippians 1:6 says "Being confident of this, that He who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

For as long as you are ready to live the life God has called you to live, He will ensure to complete that which He has started in you so hold on.

You can't become who and what God has called you to be without oppositions, challenges, lack and some difficult moments.

People may have discredited you, written you off or labelled you negatively but God knows you and knows what you can do.

He said in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

God knows what you can do and can not do. He has filled you with the capacity and ability to live the life He has called you to live so fret not and don't cave into challenges.

Quote for the day - "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

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