When I wrote an article titled the Real Man, the ladies who had the opportunity to read it were so excited and were all out to evaluate their spouses’ base on the content of the article. More so some men who were willing to learn with just a speck of the truth were able to correct their erroneous attitude and took the bull by the horn by being that Real Man as the Bible recommended.
This article is for the women who really want to operate and trade on the part of God assigned responsibilities for a peaceful and united home. When writing the Real Man I cited some passages in the Bible but I didn’t give the exact chapter and verse because men are psychological being that justify words with their mental reasoning but on this article I will not just cite the scripture I will also quote the exact chapter and verse because woman are emotional being that justify words by their emotional feeling.
In Ephesians 5: 21-24 according to New Living Translation the Bible says,
"and further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. For wives, this means submit to your husband’s as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything."
In one of my articles titled Foolish Miracle, in that article I explained the foolishness in applying Biblical principles that seems senseless but yet rewarding. From the above scripture we discover that submission is all a woman needs in her marriage, now what is submission?
Base on scriptures submission is not submission until when you look at the mirror as a woman, you don’t see you, you see your husband. Submission is when a wife becomes the image, likeness and replica of her husband. What I mean by that is until a woman learns how to surrender absolutely to the will, desire, aspiration of her husband to the point that whatever she does is not pre-empted by self but her husband, her wholeness is in the completeness of her husband, and she is able to re-quote apostle Paul and say for me to live is my husband. Her existence is to please and honour her husband regardless of his status, economical capacity and otherwise.
I will like to draw an illustration. Christ submitted to God even to the point of death, it got to a point that God forsook Christ and he had to cry out and said father why had thou forsaken me but that never deterred him from submitting to God. At that point of being forsaken by God, he kept his cool and died for the sake of God to be glorified, of a truth it was after Christ's death that God gave him a name above every other name that at the name of Jesus every knee most bow and confess that Jesus is the Lord.
A woman’s submission is not just about honouring her husband when he meets her needs or the needs of her family rather submission is best justified when you have no reason to submit but for the sake of Christ according to Ephesians 5: 21. Not for the sake of your husband, maybe he is jobless, penniless, a drunkard and even irresponsible, your arrogance towards your husband can’t change him because people can’t change people, you can never change anybody. Only the Holy spirit, God that can Change people. And God can only step in, in a situation when His word is honoured.
Until you reverence your husband by submitting absolutely to him regardless of whom he is, God will never make him that man you desire him to be because until Christ submitted to God to the point of death having been forsaken, God never honored him.
Submission entails that as a woman, your body is not yours consequently anytime your husband beckon on you, you respond immediately even when you are tired because obedient brings about supernatural strength but when you refuse and say can’t you see how tired I am, I have been running to and fro trying to put food on the table yet you want me to offer my body, I can’t, all I need now is rest. Believe me you will be so weak to the point that weakness will prevent you from having a sound sleep.
Another area of submission is resources, today you see a woman that will boldly tell her husband that her money belongs to her only while her husband's money belongs to the family, that is un scriptural. Jesus Christ our perfect example had nothing in his name everything he had belonged to the father including his life. If as a woman you can have that simple understanding that the greatest display of submission is the surrendering of your life to your husband then surrendering your resources to him will not be an issue.
Is unfortunate that women find it very difficult to surrender their resources to their husbands, some husbands do not even know what their wives earn, that is not submission but self seeking. It does not matter whether your husband lacks financial integrity what matters most is that you are reverencing Christ and God cannot allow evil to befall the obedient. If only you can obey, God will bless your husband to the point that when you surrender your resources to him instead of collecting it, he multiplies it for you.
Today in our churches we pay tithe and offering not because God needs our money but because he wants to bless us through the spirit of obedience, same thing applies to submission. Women if you want God to honour your home, please learn to submit in all things to your husband. You can actually love your husband without submitting to him but there is no way you can submit without loving him.
The day you choose to live under a man’s roof that day is the day you trade your sense of self to your husband, you cease to exist, your time, body, money and resources becomes that of your husband, no secrets and no hanky-panky.
Finally in Proverb 14:1, the bibles says a wise woman build her home with her own hands but a foolish woman destroys it with her own hands. Only a woman that lacks understanding, a foolish woman that will not be willing to submit to her husband. Probably she has a thousand and one reasons why she can’t submit perhaps she earns more than her husband, maybe her husband is even jobless, unreasonable, irresponsible etc but let me shock you, obedience is not a function of justified human reason rather it is a function of unreasonable submission to the supreme being, the author of marriage that knows it all, the one that sees the matter from the ending not just from the beginning alone.
The uncommon truth is, God has seen it that If only you can submit to that man that you think does not earn or deserve your submissiveness, your act of obedience will bring about your desired result. Submission provokes love and honour in a man, just like Christ submission provoked God’s eternal honour of Christ's name.
Every man be it Pastor, Imam, Professional, circular whatever he might be has the same weakness of honouring and reverencing people that submit to their egoistic nature. Make a man feel in charge and he will do things that will make you pledge your everlasting loyalty.
Love is no love until submission is involved and submission gives birth to treasure, cherish and honour. You want your husband to treasure, cherish and honour you, having tried insult, humiliation, rapaciousness, secrecy, egotism, arrogance and forcefulness but yet the man became worst guess is high time you tried submissiveness, only a Real Woman with deeper understanding of God’s purpose for marriage can actually submit her life, money, time and ministry to her husband.
As you learn to submit to your husband, I see God taking you to greater glory of marital bliss and peace.
God bless you, please watch out for the Real Woman part 2.
Written by :
Editor in Chief of RTV Magazine.
Email: jeffayo2008@yahoo.com
This article is for the women who really want to operate and trade on the part of God assigned responsibilities for a peaceful and united home. When writing the Real Man I cited some passages in the Bible but I didn’t give the exact chapter and verse because men are psychological being that justify words with their mental reasoning but on this article I will not just cite the scripture I will also quote the exact chapter and verse because woman are emotional being that justify words by their emotional feeling.
In Ephesians 5: 21-24 according to New Living Translation the Bible says,
"and further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. For wives, this means submit to your husband’s as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything."
In one of my articles titled Foolish Miracle, in that article I explained the foolishness in applying Biblical principles that seems senseless but yet rewarding. From the above scripture we discover that submission is all a woman needs in her marriage, now what is submission?
Base on scriptures submission is not submission until when you look at the mirror as a woman, you don’t see you, you see your husband. Submission is when a wife becomes the image, likeness and replica of her husband. What I mean by that is until a woman learns how to surrender absolutely to the will, desire, aspiration of her husband to the point that whatever she does is not pre-empted by self but her husband, her wholeness is in the completeness of her husband, and she is able to re-quote apostle Paul and say for me to live is my husband. Her existence is to please and honour her husband regardless of his status, economical capacity and otherwise.
I will like to draw an illustration. Christ submitted to God even to the point of death, it got to a point that God forsook Christ and he had to cry out and said father why had thou forsaken me but that never deterred him from submitting to God. At that point of being forsaken by God, he kept his cool and died for the sake of God to be glorified, of a truth it was after Christ's death that God gave him a name above every other name that at the name of Jesus every knee most bow and confess that Jesus is the Lord.
A woman’s submission is not just about honouring her husband when he meets her needs or the needs of her family rather submission is best justified when you have no reason to submit but for the sake of Christ according to Ephesians 5: 21. Not for the sake of your husband, maybe he is jobless, penniless, a drunkard and even irresponsible, your arrogance towards your husband can’t change him because people can’t change people, you can never change anybody. Only the Holy spirit, God that can Change people. And God can only step in, in a situation when His word is honoured.
Until you reverence your husband by submitting absolutely to him regardless of whom he is, God will never make him that man you desire him to be because until Christ submitted to God to the point of death having been forsaken, God never honored him.
Submission entails that as a woman, your body is not yours consequently anytime your husband beckon on you, you respond immediately even when you are tired because obedient brings about supernatural strength but when you refuse and say can’t you see how tired I am, I have been running to and fro trying to put food on the table yet you want me to offer my body, I can’t, all I need now is rest. Believe me you will be so weak to the point that weakness will prevent you from having a sound sleep.
Another area of submission is resources, today you see a woman that will boldly tell her husband that her money belongs to her only while her husband's money belongs to the family, that is un scriptural. Jesus Christ our perfect example had nothing in his name everything he had belonged to the father including his life. If as a woman you can have that simple understanding that the greatest display of submission is the surrendering of your life to your husband then surrendering your resources to him will not be an issue.
Is unfortunate that women find it very difficult to surrender their resources to their husbands, some husbands do not even know what their wives earn, that is not submission but self seeking. It does not matter whether your husband lacks financial integrity what matters most is that you are reverencing Christ and God cannot allow evil to befall the obedient. If only you can obey, God will bless your husband to the point that when you surrender your resources to him instead of collecting it, he multiplies it for you.
Today in our churches we pay tithe and offering not because God needs our money but because he wants to bless us through the spirit of obedience, same thing applies to submission. Women if you want God to honour your home, please learn to submit in all things to your husband. You can actually love your husband without submitting to him but there is no way you can submit without loving him.
The day you choose to live under a man’s roof that day is the day you trade your sense of self to your husband, you cease to exist, your time, body, money and resources becomes that of your husband, no secrets and no hanky-panky.
Finally in Proverb 14:1, the bibles says a wise woman build her home with her own hands but a foolish woman destroys it with her own hands. Only a woman that lacks understanding, a foolish woman that will not be willing to submit to her husband. Probably she has a thousand and one reasons why she can’t submit perhaps she earns more than her husband, maybe her husband is even jobless, unreasonable, irresponsible etc but let me shock you, obedience is not a function of justified human reason rather it is a function of unreasonable submission to the supreme being, the author of marriage that knows it all, the one that sees the matter from the ending not just from the beginning alone.
The uncommon truth is, God has seen it that If only you can submit to that man that you think does not earn or deserve your submissiveness, your act of obedience will bring about your desired result. Submission provokes love and honour in a man, just like Christ submission provoked God’s eternal honour of Christ's name.
Every man be it Pastor, Imam, Professional, circular whatever he might be has the same weakness of honouring and reverencing people that submit to their egoistic nature. Make a man feel in charge and he will do things that will make you pledge your everlasting loyalty.
Love is no love until submission is involved and submission gives birth to treasure, cherish and honour. You want your husband to treasure, cherish and honour you, having tried insult, humiliation, rapaciousness, secrecy, egotism, arrogance and forcefulness but yet the man became worst guess is high time you tried submissiveness, only a Real Woman with deeper understanding of God’s purpose for marriage can actually submit her life, money, time and ministry to her husband.
As you learn to submit to your husband, I see God taking you to greater glory of marital bliss and peace.
God bless you, please watch out for the Real Woman part 2.
Written by :
Editor in Chief of RTV Magazine.
Email: jeffayo2008@yahoo.com
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